Inclusion Saves Lives
At Mosaic, we’re so incredibly grateful to the thousands of donors, volunteers, employees and advocates who make it possible for the people we support to stay connected to their communities.
The work you support is life-saving.
This March, as we recognize National Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, we’ll be sharing more information on the importance of INCLUSION.
Recently, Mosaic partnered with The Council on Quality and Leadership and The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities to release a white paper called “Building the Framework for I/DD Quality Measures.”
It is packed with great information about how to better serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), based on an analysis of some of the services Mosaic provides across the country. Click here to read the full report.
One piece of data stood out:
“When people with I/DD have access to natural support networks, they are 60 percent less likely to be hospitalized.”
Being connected with and included in communities makes a life-giving, life-saving difference for people with I/DD.
However, numerous barriers exist that make it difficult for people with I/DD to maintain strong connections with friends and family, commonly known as natural support networks.
When those barriers disappear, people become healthier, are able to find work, volunteer and enjoy life in their communities.
All month long we will be sharing stories, stats and successes that demonstrate the difference inclusion makes – not only for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, but for all of us.