Renee Coughlin
August 25, 2022

Called to be Bold Campaign Surpasses Fundraising Goal

The two root words of philanthropy in Greek are “philo” and “anthro,” which, together, literally translate to a love of humans. At Mosaic, we are called to love and serve. It is why we do what we do. For me, Mosaic’s mission and purpose are synonymous with the intent and impact of our generous donors. This has been at the heart of Mosaic’s purpose since its founding in 1913.

For more than 109 years, charitable donations have been critical to Mosaic’s mission. In fact, Bethphage founder Pastor. K.G. William Dahl inspired 54 individuals to donate a minimum of $1 each to help start Bethphage Mission and bring his vision to life. From 1913 until the mid-1970s, both Bethphage and Martin Luther Home were fully funded by donations. It was in the mid-1970s when the organizations began receiving government funding. 

This rich history of charitable support, along with the forward-thinking planning and mindset of Mosaic’s legacy organizations, has been instrumental in helping achieve the fundraising results of today. Ahead of its time, Bethphage actually started a planned giving program back in the 1980s–that decision still creates opportunities today. 

Fast forward to 2022, and we can celebrate that Mosaic has not only completed its largest comprehensive fundraising campaign in the organization’s history, but has been incredibly successful in doing so. I’m excited to share that we exceeded the Called to be Bold campaign goal by nearly $5 million! Our goal was $63 million, and we finished on June 30 with gifts totaling $67,902,104. 

THANK YOU to all of Mosaic’s generous donors who partner with us to bring Mosaic’s mission–Embracing God’s call, Mosaic relentlessly pursues opportunities that empower people–to life. These gifts help to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and other diverse needs now and in the future

We are truly grateful for all of your support and dedication. 

The impacts of these gifts for those that Mosaic supports is incredible and often life-changing. Medicaid funding does not meet all the needs a person has. Charitable gifts help with a variety of needs, including things such as specialized therapies and adaptive equipment that Medicaid doesn’t pay for and specific items that people may not be able to afford on their own. Some examples include: new beds and household items; basic clothing, shoes and winter coats for people who come to Mosaic in an emergency placement; and even tickets for entertainment outside of their day-to-day activities, such as a sporting event, concert or movie. These gifts help people achieve their dreams and live a full life!

It is a blessing and privilege to be a part of this mission. I often tell people that I have the most amazing job–I get to share stories of the incredible work being done throughout the Mosaic network and the amazing impact Mosaic’s workforce has on the 5,700 people we support. It is also an honor and privilege to meet and know so many of Mosaic’s generous donors and partners who help bring this mission to life. 

Now, I hope you’ll join me in sharing more stories and garnering support so that we can continue to positively impact the lives of the people Mosaic is privileged to support!

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