Sherry Bale
Sherry Bale, Communications Professional
November 30, 2022

Mosaic Elects New Board Members

Five new members with dynamic backgrounds were recently elected to serve on the Mosaic Board of Directors and The Mosaic Foundation Board of Directors. Their three-year terms started late October.

Asked why they applied to be on the respective Mosaic Boards, below are excerpts of their responses:

New Mosaic Board Directors

The Mosaic Board of Directors hold in responsibility the trust and welfare of people who support and depend upon Mosaic. This includes those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), their families, donors and the Lutheran churches with which Mosaic holds an affiliation.


Peter Enko is a top expert in healthcare law.

“Just as God calls us, I feel like Mosaic called me and not the other way around. When I became aware of this opportunity, I looked at the Mosaic website and saw who Mosaic serves and the circumstances in which they’re being served. It was humbling. I called my wife in tears and told her this opportunity felt right; this will keep me on my faith journey.”

Peter Enko

Partner, Husch Blackwell in Kansas City, Missouri

Sarah Meek is an accomplished government relations professional. Meek has represented Mosaic as a federal lobbyist, first through Lutheran Services in America, a national disability network representing faith-based disability services and then through ANCOR, a leading trade association of  disability service providers.

“I still wanted to be connected to disability work and long-term services and supports. When the Mosaic Board vacancies became available, I was motivated to apply, because the organization is rooted in what people with disabilities want and how they can be achieved.”

Sarah Meek

Director of Federal Affairs, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Washington D.C.

Dr. Adam Wells is a pulmonologist for Methodist Physicians Clinic Pulmonary Medicine Specialists and is the Medical Director for Nebraska Methodist College’s Respiratory Care Program.

“I have a son who has intellectual and developmental disabilities. As he’s grown older, his needs have increased. As we searched for support services, it became apparent how limited resources are for that population. I’m sure many families get extremely frustrated looking for support for their loved one with IDD and give up.  

“When my parents moved to Lexington, Nebraska, they told me about Mosaic in Axtell. I determined here’s an organization that’s making sure people with IDD are living the best life they can by providing supports, resources and tools needed to allow that to happen. I want to help Mosaic continue to evolve and grow, so resources such as theirs are available in the whole country, not just in my hometown.” 

Dr. Adam Wells

Pulmonologist, Methodist Physicians Clinic Pulmonary Medicine Specialists, Omaha, Nebraska

New Mosaic Foundation Board Directors

The Mosaic Foundation Board of Directors receives gifts on behalf of Mosaic, and oversees the disbursement of charitable gifts and investment income to Mosaic. The board is also responsible for the prudent investment and management of funds held in the Foundation.


Brando Guerrero has a solid background in volunteerism and is personally connected to Mosaic.

“My nephew has nonverbal autism. When he was younger, he couldn’t discern good from bad communication; he would often pinch or bite as a response.

“Our mother spent a tremendous amount of time trying to find a place for help. We were so fortunate she found Mosaic. When my brother visits his son there, he tells me how grateful he is, because he knows my nephew is in a place he’s cared for, and his needs are being fulfilled in a way that no other place can.

“Being on the Board, I can be an even louder voice to spread the word about Mosaic–especially to those who have a passion for philanthropy–so they see us as a place where their goodwill will make a huge difference in changing so many lives.”

Brando Guerrero

Assistant Vice President and Regional Sales Director, Safeco (a subsidiary of Liberty Mutual), Roseville, California

Benjamin Morrow has board experience with organizations like Mosaic.

Our second daughter was unexpectedly born with Down syndrome. After her birth, I knew I needed to educate myself about intellectual and developmental disabilities.

“Although I was already aware of Mosaic, as I became more familiar with the people, I quickly realized they truly care and are here because they want to be. Many people might see it as a job, but Mosaic’s workforce sees it as a mission. Coupled with great leadership, I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of.”

Benjamin Morrow

Wealth Manager, Insight Wealth Group in West Des Moines, Iowa

Mosaic is actively looking for future board members to begin serving mid-next year. Mosaic is committed to ensuring the organization can effectively respond to the changing needs of a diverse population of people who rely on Mosaic for support and their families while also supporting a workforce that is culturally and ethnically diverse. We strive to bring greater ethnic and racial diversity to our boards.

Would you or someone you know make a great addition as a future board member? Please apply here.

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