Linda Timmons
Linda Timmons, President and CEO
October 29, 2018

May Their Memory Be A Blessing: Standing with Tree of Life and ACHIEVA

A candle against a dark backdrop with the words: Out of the darkness we cry to you, O God. Enable us to find the faith to trust your care even in the midst of pain. Surround the communities of Tree of Life and ACHIEVA with your steadfast love. Assure us that we do not walk alone through the valley of the shadow, but that you lead us into life. In your name we pray, Amen.

Most of you have probably heard the news of the horrific acts of terror at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh over the weekend.

The news that two of the victims, Cecil and David Rosenthal, were members of the disability community was particularly heartbreaking for us at Mosaic. Cecil and David were devout, respected and beloved members of Tree of Life and their service provider, ACHIEVA.

We work hard to help people with disabilities – people like Cecil and David – participate in all aspects of life. This includes participating in the faith communities of their choice. It is our great joy to be able to serve people of many different faiths, races, cultures and backgrounds.

Our core values of “safety, respect, integrity, and connection” guide us to see the divinity, humanity and worth of the more than 3,700 people in service, 3,700 employees and 1,000 contractors who help us achieve our mission.

Unfortunately, divisive rhetoric and violence against God’s people show that we still have much work to do to ensure that we live in a world where all people are embraced and celebrated.

As a Christian organization, we deplore and reject bigotry that seeks to divide and harm our neighbors of different faiths, races, cultures and backgrounds. We recognize it as an affront to God’s call to love and serve our neighbors.

This is a call for all people, particularly those of faith, to continue the hard work of breaking down the barriers and language that seek to separate us from seeing God in people who are different.

Simply put, we can and must do better – to honor Cecil and David, and all those who have lost their lives to this and other acts of violence.

Linda Timmons
President and CEO

The Rev. Dr. David deFreese
Vice President of Church Relations

Please join Mosaic in expressing prayers, solidarity and support for the families of the victims, those who were injured, the staff and people supported by ACHIEVA, members of Tree of Life, and our Jewish neighbors and all those who are persecuted around the world:

Out of the darkness we cry to you, O God. Enable us to find the faith to trust your care even in the midst of pain. Surround the communities of Tree of Life and ACHIEVA with your steadfast love. Assure us that we do not walk alone through the valley of the shadow, but that you lead us into life. In your name we pray, Amen.

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