Linda Timmons
Linda Timmons, President and CEO
December 4, 2024

Christmas is a Celebration of Hope

One of the readings some churches use on Christmas day is the opening passage of the Gospel of John. One line stands out: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

A light shining in the darkness signifies hope. It gives something to hold and look forward to. It is not the certainty of something good right now but instead a certainty of something good to come.

Hope is an abiding characteristic at Mosaic. So much so that a longtime Mosaic donor, the Rev. Dr. Reuben Swanson, chose the name Tower of Hope for a bell tower built at the national office in 2006. The original plan was to name the tower in honor of Rev. Swanson and his wife Darlene (both of whom are now deceased) for the lasting contributions the couple made to our mission over several decades. His reasoning, he said, was “Hope is what Mosaic gives to people.”

When working with a person supported, hope drives Mosaic to see opportunities instead of limitations. It drives people to keep trying, even if at first they fail. Hope perseveres because it keeps the focus on the future good, not the current challenge.

Christmas is a celebration of hope, especially when seen through the eyes of Joseph and Mary. They’re away from their home. They take shelter in a place animals are kept, and they lay their newborn baby in a trough used to feed the animals—otherwise called a manger.

Yet, they did not despair at the current challenges. Instead, they looked forward. The gospel of Luke (2:19) states that as Mary hears the wondrous things visitors say about her baby boy, she “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” That is hope.

It is no coincidence that the church, in designating a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, chose a date in December near the winter solstice. Winter solstice is the time of the year with the longest night of the year. But hope abounds in the days that follow—each one offers more light that dispels some of the darkness.

Mosaic’s mission statement is: Embracing God’s call, Mosaic relentlessly pursues opportunities that empower people. In simpler words, Mosaic serves to give people hope.

As you celebrate Christmas this year, may your celebration bring you lasting hope. May it be a light shining in the darkness for you.

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