
Mosaic is committed to operating ethically, with integrity and in full compliance with all laws, regulations and contracts applicable to our business. Our commitment to integrity demands that each of us, regardless of our job title or affiliation with the organization, is accountable not only for our own actions, but also to report any known or suspected compliance issues. Mosaic’s Compliance Program assures and supports Mosaic’s commitment to integrity.

The program includes:

Dedicated Staff

Our compliance team oversees the implementation of and maintains policies and procedures related to regulatory requirements, ensures staff and contractors receive compliance training, screens people for conflicts of interests and federal exclusions and much more.

A Code of Conduct

Our code describes the legal and ethical expectations of all Mosaic directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors and agents. The code of conduct empowers individuals to take part in our commitment to integrity.

Read our Code of Conduct.

Open Communication

Our open communication policy helps people report issues and seek guidance for any compliance and ethical dilemmas. All volunteers, contractors, vendors or other interested parties may contact the compliance department using the below methods.

Connect with us:

Compliance Hotline: 800-443-4899 (callers may remain anonymous if they wish)
Email: [email protected]
US Mail:
Mosaic Compliance Department
4980 S. 118th Street
Omaha, NE 68137


We are true to our faith heritage, acting with openness and truth in all situations, making ethical choices and following all laws and regulations intently.

Notice of Privacy Practices

Mosaic is committed to protecting the privacy of the Protected Health Information (PHI) of the people we serve. Mosaic’s Notice of Privacy Practices describes how Mosaic may use and/or disclose the PHI of the people we serve. It also describes certain rights the people we serve have regarding their PHI.