Using Technology to Provide Comfort

A Mosaic day site created virtual quiet spots for people we support who become overstimulated by noise and activity.

Several Mosaic locations have sensory rooms that are effective at calming people. Unfortunately, that’s not possible everywhere.



One direct support manager thought about how to create a similar experience in other places. She came up with using tablet computers in combination with noise canceling headphones.

Items like these tablets are just one example of how donor gifts are used at Mosaic. Many of the things that are beneficial for people are not funded by Medicaid. So gifts make a huge difference in what Mosaic is able to do for people.

Click here for a list of other items that have been purchased for people with donor funds. You can see your gifts make a daily, positive impact on people’s lives.


Thank you for being a partner in answering the call to love and serve others.

Where would you like to give?