
Today, and Every Day, We Celebrate Bold Lives

Joanna Kingsbury

Today wraps up our month-long celebration of National Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Awareness.

We lifted up just a few of the bold lives led by those we support, both in the United States and abroad.

  • They are passionate and dedicated employees, like Anthony, Vanessa and Marrio. 
  • They are athletes, determined to do what it takes to pursue their sport, like Blaise and Mark. 
  • They are actors, interns and volunteers, like Erin, Jonathan and Joanna. 
  • They are each productive and contributing members of their communties. 

Joanna said that she liked the idea of volunteering to read every Tuesday evening to kids playing at the YMCA daycare facility while their parents work out.

Aug. 15 of last year was her first scheduled reading visit. She was uncomfortable with the first few visits, but after a few weeks of staff reminding her to show the pictures and helping her with words, she soon developed her own rhythm.

She now needs little support and sometimes reads two books to the kids.

This activity has grown into several weekly activities for Joanna. She now walks at the YMCA after her reading sessions and also has a library card, which she uses to select the books she uses at the YMCA.

Tim Brummer

Tim Brummer, who is served at Mosaic in Omaha, received a communication device in July of 2016.

He now uses it daily to communicate his desires. His direct care staff said it is amazing how quickly he picked up on it. Tim is able to tell staff what he wants to do, where he would like to eat and what he wants to eat.

The communication device has really opened up his world.

Mark Hahn

Mark Hahn is a team member of the Richardson Roadrunners in Dallas County. He participates in bowling and swimming at the Special Olympics with this team.

Swimming is something he particularly enjoys doing. He has participated on the Special Olympics swim team for 15 years and has received many medals.

Mark was selected to compete at the USA Special Olympics in 2018 and will be traveling via aircraft with his group to Seattle.

Hannah Wilkerson

Prior to living in a host home with Mosaic, Hannah was isolated at home with no access to a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

Not only that, but her medical needs were becoming more and more difficult to address.

With her needs in mind, Hannah’s family and case manager decided that residential placement would be appropriate.

In December 2016, Hannah moved in with host home provider Rachel, and her life has changed for the better.

She has established care with a new primary care physician, a gastroenterologist, a physical therapist, a psychiatrist, a behavior consultant and nursing supports. She has also received a new wheelchair and bed and has begun the process of trying out different communication devices.

Additionally, Hannah attends day program three days a week, which has given her the opportunity to meet friends and interact with others.

Anthony Croudy

Anthony Croudy, served by our Mosaic at Home program, started his career with Colorado Springs Utilities 20 years ago. He knows every part of the cable stripping process that takes place in the cable yard.

Anthony, who rarely misses a day of work, is affectionately known to his co-workers as “Grandpa.”

His manager describes Anthony as “a self-motivated, hard-working and wonderful employee; a man of few words who requires very little redirection and oversight.”

When asked his favorite part of the job, Anthony said, “Making more money,” then paused and added, “and the nice people I work with.”

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