Three Mosaic and Living Innovations DSPs Recognized with Prestigious 2024 ANCOR Award
All of us cannot thank our direct support professionals (DSPs) enough for the selfless, incredible work they do day in and day out to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have a full, meaningful life. Being the special and unique people they are, DSPs provide personalized services to help people we serve achieve their goals and dreams and pursue opportunities that empower them to be actively involved in their respective communities.
It’s purposeful, fulfilling work, but it is also challenging and often done without adequate recognition.
However, just this week, the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) recognized three DSPs with Mosaic and Living Innovations (which is a service of Mosaic), with its prestigious 2024 Direct Support Professional of the Year Award. They joined 51 other outstanding DSP of the Year recipients across the country who were chosen from a pool of a whopping 450-plus nominees.
Those honored are Direct Support Manager Tyiesha Dunson with Mosaic in Delaware, Mosaic at HomeⓇ host home provider Sarah Scott with Mosaic in Arizona and Employment Specialist Arnold Bulley with Living Innovations in Maine.

Tyiesha Dunson, Mosaic in Delaware
According to Mosaic in Delaware Associate Director Katherine Thomas, “Tyiesha does not let challenges stop her from providing opportunities for the people we support to have full, meaningful lives.”
As an example, Tyiesha has helped Brian, 61, who used to be shy of crowds and loud noises that caused him distress. Because of this, his days consisted of staying inside. With her Mosaic colleagues, little by little—and as Brian gained more confidence—Tyiesha took Brian to public places from local events to out-of-state trips, such as Florida, where they visited several popular tourist attractions. Brian even enjoyed the three-hour plane ride there.
Because of Mosaic and Tyiesha, Brian continues to comfortably widen the scope of his experiences.

Sarah Scott, Mosaic in Arizona
Sarah and her husband Dan are Mosaic at Home providers who have supported two brothers in their 20s for more than 14 years. When they were younger, one of the brothers was with a different agency. Knowing the importance of sibling relationships, Sarah worked hard to reunite them. “Since living with the Scotts, Sarah has helped them live their dreams in so many ways,” said Mosaic in Arizona Executive Director Traci Gruenberger.
Upon hearing the news of her ANCOR Award, Sarah said, “I’m humbled to be recognized for doing something that I love. We are blessed to be a part of a wonderful organization that ensures we are properly trained and supported for the work we do. We give those we serve love and confidence, and our hearts are filled as we watch them develop to be their best selves every day.”

Arnold Bulley, Living Innovations in Maine
Arnold’s 2024 DSP of the Year Award is in the “Special Category for Leadership,” which, according to ANCOR, “is to recognize a direct support professional whose leadership has had a discernible impact on the people they support, their colleagues and their broader community.”
Arnold successfully assists people supported by Living Innovations in Maine to self-determine their own career paths, find successful employment and reach their goals to become independent. He also helps people supported to understand their personal rights to choose and communicate those rights through self-advocacy.
“This ANCOR award isn’t just for me,” said Arnold. “It’s for each person we support with intellectual or developmental disabilities who push themselves to learn and be successful in their communities, our business partners who employ them and our entire employment team.”
ANCOR Chief Executive Officer Barbara Merrill summed up the breadth and depth of what all DSPs do across the country by saying, “Whether it’s supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to build healthy relationships, rekindle connections with long-lost family members, thrive in the workplace, start a business, give back to the community or any number of other important facets of what it means to lead a fulfilling life, direct support professionals make it all possible.”