Linda Timmons
Linda Timmons, President and CEO

Creative Solutions Thanks to Donor Gifts

Across Mosaic, we’re transitioning away from the traditional, large-group day programs to smaller settings where people spend much of their time in the community, engaged in various activities. People love it.

But they also often spend part of their day in a small group setting where they work on life skills as designated by their individualized support plan. That includes things like writing, cooking and safety skills, such as what to do in a fire or when there’s a tornado warning. Yet for some people, even that small group can become a bit too much. 

Sometimes, people just need time to themselves. We all do. Yet there are times when it’s not possible to find a quiet spot. As a substitute, one of our day sites created virtual quiet spots for people we support who become overstimulated by the noise and activity that’s going on around them. 

Several Mosaic locations have sensory rooms that are effective at calming people. Unfortunately, that’s not possible everywhere. One direct support manager (DSM) thought about how to create a similar experience in other places. She came up with using tablet computers in combination with noise canceling headphones.

“I would say 75% of the time, it is effective,” said Danielle Kirlin, a Mosaic DSM. When they use the tablet and headphone, “they have somewhere that they’re comfortable to go to, and they feel safe in that place. They need to feel that no one is going to bother them and then they can engage on their level when they’re ready.”

The tablets are used primarily to listen to the person’s favorite music, she said. But some also use it to play games that relax them. With the noise canceling headphones, outside sounds virtually disappear, so there’s a great sense of privacy. 

Danielle also used donor funds to purchase other items to create the sensory room experience for people. They can now relax in a bean bag chair or on a “technology sofa” that has places to plug in the tablets for recharging while they’re being used. Workforce members like Danielle who come up with creative solutions are invaluable in helping Mosaic’s mission come alive.

Items like these tablets are just one example of how donor gifts are used at Mosaic. Many of the things that are beneficial for people are not funded by Medicaid. Here’s a list of other items that have been purchased recently for people with donor funds. Gifts make a daily, positive impact on people’s lives and make a huge difference in what Mosaic is able to do for people.

To be a partner in creating positive change, here’s the link to our donation page.

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