Randall Donner
Randall Donner, Communications Senior Professional
August 12, 2019

New Vision Statement Identifies Longstanding Truth

Mosaic is a healthcare provider.

Our new vision statement identifies something that’s long been true, but we’ve never really acknowledged it.

Mosaic IS a healthcare provider.

With our renewed organizational language, our vision statement is now: We are the changing face of healthcare, passionate about serving the whole person and partnering for quality outcomes. 

Mosaic has always looked after the physical health of people. Most of our locations have nursing staff and some provide rather complex medical care.  

But we also always have looked beyond just their physical health. 

Mosaic looks at the whole person.

Some estimates say that as much as 80% of a person’s health is affected by factors that are not simply physical.  Things like a person’s living environment, their relationships, their financial security, emotional health and more affect their physical health.

Having a friend will help you experience better physical health. Feeling respected will help you experience better physical health. Feeling safe and secure will help you experience better physical health.

Simply seeing a person as a diagnosis to be treated will not bring optimal health.

It is instead essential to see the whole person and help the person on multiple levels.

That’s why doctors ask if you feel safe at home, or if you’re depressed. They’re catching on to what Mosaic has known for decades.

Mosaic is the changing face of healthcare. And we judge our success by whether the people we support achieve their goals, only one of which is optimal physical health.

This renewed vision statement represents one of several updates we’ve made to our organizational language. We will share more about our purpose statement and core values over the coming weeks.

Learn about our new tagline.

Discover our new mission statement.

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