Volunteers Leave Permanent Marks on Mosaic

Volunteers always make a difference in Mosaic’s mission. Sometimes, their contributions live on long past the time they serve. For today’s Throwback Thursday during Volunteer Appreciation Week, here’s a volunteer story that began almost 20 years ago. Jeff Jacox helped...

National Sibling Day

Many people who work at Mosaic started their career because of a loved one with a disability. In honor of National Sibling Day this Sunday, we’re sharing some thoughts from some Mosaic employees who have siblings with an intellectual disability. Lynn Chylinski,...

What Does It Mean to be a Faith-Based Organization?

Mosaic is a faith-based organization. What does that mean? If you ask 10 Mosaic employees what it means, you’d probably receive 10 different answers. (If you ask me on 10 different days, you might get 10 different answers!) It starts with our heritage and why we do...

Moving From Awareness and Education to Inclusion and Celebration

Results for "disability poverty" All throughout March we’ve been celebrating the unique gifts and abilities that the people Mosaic supports bring to the world.While awareness campaigns may get a bad rap in the age of social media advocacy, National...

Every Woman, Every Child

While Salome and her mother were sleeping in their home in Tanzania, an army of women from all over the world, including two from Mosaic, converged in New York to fight in their corner. The Commission on the Status of Women meets this week, an annual meeting at the...

Poverty and Intellectual Disability

Mosaic values community connections and people participating in their communities. When I think of community, I think of where I live and work. At the center of my community is my home. It is where I retreat after a long day and where I gather with family and friends...


Beloved. Last week we kicked off National Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, which honors and celebrates the gifts that people with intellectual disabilities bring to the world.On Tuesday, that included inviting people to join in the Special...

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